RiverStone is a comfortable 7 ha residential complex on the left bank of the Dnieper River near the Osokorki metro station. Windows of its nine 23-storey houses face magnificent views of one of the widest and most picturesque rivers in Europe.
Among the amenities the residents of the complex have at their disposal are:
- a fitness center;
- cozy cafes, restaurants, shops;
- sports courts and playgrounds;
- kindergarten;
- pharmacies;
- beauty salons.
Also, there is a pleasant green area for relaxation. Tracks covering is made of paving slabs allowing to freely maneuver on bicycles, scooters, roller skates and hoverboards.
Before the construction of RiverStone, the developers of the project UDP and Miskzhytlobud carried out bank protection works and cleaning of the aquatorium. Based on an inspection of the bottom, independent experts have concluded that this bay is now one of the cleanest in Kyiv.
The first and second phases of RiverStone were commissioned; the third is under construction; the fourth is at the design stage.

Andriy Ivanov, the Partner in UDP, is ready to buy out 55% stake in UPD (Ukrainian Property Development) Holdings Limited, the said stake is now held by Vasyl Khmelnytsky. The shares acquisition under an agreement, which signing is planned for...

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Консорціум інвесторів, до якого входить UDP під управлінням Q Партнерс Андрія Іванова та A Development, переміг на аукціоні із приватизації заводу «Більшовик» у Фонді Держмайна. Під час аукціону із приватизації заводу вони запропонували найвищу ціну – 1 429 017 000...