LvivTech.City is a Ukrainian innovation park, whose ecosystem functions according to the principle Live–Work–Learn–Rest.
LvivTech.City will be launched in Lviv, one of the most dynamic Ukrainian IT-industry centers. 4.8 ha of what was once an industrial zone will be revitalized with new up-to-date infrastructure, which is being developed by UDP. There will be offices and co-working spaces as well as educational institutions, apartments, restaurants, sports grounds, gyms and green recreation sites. The total area of the campuses, including parking lots, will reach 50,000 m². LvivTech.City’s residential district will be of approximately the same scale.
The future home for innovation will differ not only in functionality and aesthetics but also in energy efficiency. All premises of the innovation park are constructed according to the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards, which implies the efficient usage of resources and eco-friendly materials.
LvivTech.City’s residents shall include high-tech companies, start-ups, R&D centers, incubators, accelerators and educational associations who together would form a cluster of ideas and opportunities.
The purpose of the project is to realize the high-tech potential of Ukraine’s western regions, to emphasize the importance of the country’s creative economy and bring about its sustainable development.

Andriy Ivanov, the Partner in UDP, is ready to buy out 55% stake in UPD (Ukrainian Property Development) Holdings Limited, the said stake is now held by Vasyl Khmelnytsky. The shares acquisition under an agreement, which signing is planned for...

Це четверта комерційна будівля в Україні, нагороджена такою відзнакою. Раніше LEED сертифікат отримали бізнес-кампуси В12, В9 та В10, що також розташовані в UNIT.City. Будівля бізнес-кампусу В11, будівництво якої було завершене наприкінці 2020 року, отримала Срібний сертифікат LEED v.4 Core &...

Консорціум інвесторів, до якого входить UDP під управлінням Q Партнерс Андрія Іванова та A Development, переміг на аукціоні із приватизації заводу «Більшовик» у Фонді Держмайна. Під час аукціону із приватизації заводу вони запропонували найвищу ціну – 1 429 017 000...