UNIT.City is the first innovation park in Ukraine providing an ecosystem fostering the development of high-tech and creative businesses. UDP designs and constructs its infrastructure in partnership with KAN Development.
Since its launch in the spring of 2017, UNIT.City has proven itself to be the place where the concentration of companies, startups and research laboratories gives talented people an opportunity to be much more productive and efficient, exchange firsthand knowledge and flexibly react to the latest trends.
Residents of the park enjoy access to various platforms for workshops, meetings and presentations. Three modern business-campuses Chasopys.UNIT, B12 and UNIT Factory codding school, a franchize of the French cutting-edge écoles 42, are already in operation.
In addition to the business district with a number of useful services, accelerators and incubators, UDP, with the help of its partners, will also build a residential district and supplement it by green areas and expo centres that are amenities necessary not only for work but also for recreation and insights.
UNIT.City’s goal is to become one of Europe’s biggest innovative parks by 2020. The main investor of the project is a Ukrainian private equity firm and group of companies UFuture, established by Vasyl Khmelnytsky. By the end of 2019, the total amount of investments in UNIT.City will reach $100 million.

Andriy Ivanov, the Partner in UDP, is ready to buy out 55% stake in UPD (Ukrainian Property Development) Holdings Limited, the said stake is now held by Vasyl Khmelnytsky. The shares acquisition under an agreement, which signing is planned for...

Це четверта комерційна будівля в Україні, нагороджена такою відзнакою. Раніше LEED сертифікат отримали бізнес-кампуси В12, В9 та В10, що також розташовані в UNIT.City. Будівля бізнес-кампусу В11, будівництво якої було завершене наприкінці 2020 року, отримала Срібний сертифікат LEED v.4 Core &...

Консорціум інвесторів, до якого входить UDP під управлінням Q Партнерс Андрія Іванова та A Development, переміг на аукціоні із приватизації заводу «Більшовик» у Фонді Держмайна. Під час аукціону із приватизації заводу вони запропонували найвищу ціну – 1 429 017 000...